Let’s start
with a simple force diagram for a hang. There
is the force due to gravity and the athlete is exerting a force on the rings with
his grip which is equal to the force due to gravity:
F(athlete) = F(gravity)
Let’s assume
our athlete, let’s call him Bob, weighs 70 pounds. So, in a still hang gravity is exerting
70 pounds of force. Bob is creating
a force upward amounting to 70 pounds. In
order for Bob to pull himself up he must exert more than 70 pounds of force

F(athlete) > F(gravity)
Our Bob,
being brilliantly coached, will hold his support for more than 2 seconds
and hopefully lift up to a 2 second L support.
He will then reduce the force on the rings to less than 70 pounds and lower himself to an inverted
hang. Way to go Bob.